Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Well, I'm busted.. it has officially been a long time since I last connected with you!  I hope you can cut me a little slack since I have had the flu for the past week =(.  No fun!  For everyone who was planning to attend my cancelled San Diego show, I promise I will make it up to you somehow!  

Well, I am currently at a Starbucks in beautiful Santa Barbara, CA.... which, I could safely say is one of my favorite places in America.  Beach, mountains and amazing people are 3 things high up on my checklist.  I am starting the second week of my time on the west coast and its already been an eventful trip.  Tomorrow, however, could be a highlight of the trip.  I am attending the taping for... American Idol!! Haha... should I be admitting that?  Oh well, I did... I'm stoked and I can't help it.  (You like my west coast language?).  Yea, so look for me making a scene in the crowd somewhere.  I'm small and brown so you might need to wear your strongest prescription glasses.  I'll make sure and have some little fun fact about it all to report back to you.

For everyone living in or around the SoCal area, I'd love to see your face either on Thursday at the Dreamcenter in Los Angeles or at the Way World Outreach in San Bernardino, CA on Easter Sunday.  You can find details at www.myspace.com/rachaellampa under the "Upcoming Shows" section.

Again, sorry for my tardiness, but I am feeling so much better now and am planning on keeping you in the loop from now on =).  Love you all... Happy week before Easter!


  1. glad to hear you are feeling better. :)

  2. glad you are better now, how i wish i was in cali having a starbucks with you. have a great time there.

  3. It's great that you are well again :)
    I wish you all the best for your upcoming shows (and fun at American Idol, haha)!

  4. I tried to watch for you (on american idol)...didn't catch you! See you Sunday God Bless!

  5. Rachael,

    I was recently introduced to your music! I can not begin to explain to you how much I adore and love your music. I recently found out that Christian music isn’t all the same, such as Christian rock or gospel music. When I found other Christian music I was astonished and very excited. I found my life with God easier and I didn’t feel alone and that I was in my own element. I could live for God with my personality and love of certain music and beats! Then my friend told me your name. I listened to your songs and was mesmerized! WOW this was my FAVORITE type of music. I love those beats, vocals, and the words are so beautiful, meaningful, and I can connect so much. I am amazed by your writing skills and amazing vocals! I love to sing along over and over again and be filled with such passion, happiness, and connection. I often lose my voice but I am constantly smiling and loving every moment of listening to your words! You have no idea how this makes me feel. I never thought I could find Christian music that I loved and was my favorite style and uniqueness. Some songs I can dance to and others I can cry to. Your songs can help me through past and future situations and mistakes. I connect so well and it makes life so much easier, knowing I am not alone with certain feelings and thoughts. I can’t believe I am only hearing you now and I wish everyone could see how amazing and beautiful your music is! You should be #1 on all charts, even MTV! But unfortunately that is not our jaded society. Maybe one day! I have a 5 year old sister who is 20 years younger than I am. She also adores the music style I like but I find it difficult to find songs to let her listen to that don’t talk about inappropriate issues. She loves to sing along and dance to this type of music like I do. Now I have her listen to you and she loves it as well, because of the beats and the wonderful vocals! She also struggles to understand God and feel secure being herself, so your song “God loves you” was my first to have her listen to. I told her that God loves her no matter what, when we are bad, good, happy, and sad. So we danced and sand your lyrics, “God loves you”! I know just that phrase will have a great positive impact on her life and self esteem, as well as mine. Its nice to put on this fun, energetic, upbeat music when I need a pick me up or when I want to jam out in my car and laugh and smile!

    I want to thank you for your music, talent, heart, and soul. Your music has and will continue to change my life. I can now have fallen friends listen to this great music and end up learning and finding God without me counseling and preaching to them! I can’t wait to hear more and learn more about you and your music and talents! God bless you and never forget how your music changes the lives of many!

  6. How did you enjoy the Idol taping? I've always said you'd put everyone else to shame if you were on that show. Anyways, my faves are Matt and Allison. Who do you like?

  7. You lucky dog!! I root for Matt Giraud, and he sang the Stevie Wonder song, Part Time Lover. Simply the bizomb!

  8. Awww...I'm sorry you were sick but good to hear you're feeling better. That's awesome that you were at American Idol, I didn't see you but I'm sure it was awesome to be there. Maybe next time they'll let you sing so that everybody can see how amazing your voice is. Thanks for the update.
    Luv ya girl!
    Elise (Dallas, TX)

  9. You may be physically small, but there is no one with a bigger heart for the Lord. You may not even remember the incident, but once I saw you willing to sacrifice your life to let people know that you are blessed. You rock, girl!
